
University Teaching Beliefs Questionnaire V.1

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Please read the following statements carefully, and then write the number that best indicates the level of your agreement to the statement. "Teacher" means a teacher at the university level. Note: Please circle any statements or words you do not understand. Also please feel free to write comments anywhere you like.

Response Key
strongly agreeagreedo not knowdisagreestrongly disagree
_____1. A good teacher has students learn by having them listen to lectures and taking notes.
_____2.A good teacher has students learn by having them sit quietly in class, and listening carefully.
_____3.A good teacher has students stand up before answering a question in class.
_____4.A good teacher has late students ask permission to enter the classroom.
_____5.A good teacher has a higher position and students should obey.
_____6.A good teacher will use verbal warnings to make students change their behavior.
_____7.A good teacher should demonstrate good knowledge of the subject being taught.
_____8.A good teacher has students learn in class by asking them to answer other students' questions.
_____9.A good teacher has students learn in class by using their points of view to generate discussion.
_____10.A good teacher keeps the difficulty level of the teaching the same for students of different ability levels.
_____11.A good teacher has students learn in class by asking them to do role plays.
_____12.A good teacher is easy for students to talk to.
_____13.A good teacher communicates learning expectations to students clearly.
_____14.A good teacher shows enthusiasm for the subject being taught.
_____15.A good teacher gives students clear definitions for the concepts being learned in a lecture.
_____16.A good teacher looks at students during lectures.
_____17.A good teacher speaks at a moderate speed during lectures.
_____18.A good teacher jumps from one topic to another topic during lectures.
_____19.A good teacher uses graphs, diagrams, or photographs to help explain concepts.
_____20.A good teacher gives explanations for graphs, diagrams or photographs used in lectures.
_____21.A good teacher uses examples that are related to students' experiences.
_____22.A good teacher chooses textbooks and research papers that are related to the concepts being taught.
_____23.A good teacher uses a logical progression of ideas during lectures.
_____24.A good teacher writes out assignment expectations for students.
_____25.A good teacher makes assignments that are related to the concepts being taught.
_____26.A good teacher will discuss a change for the due date of an assignment with a student if the student is having a family emergency.
_____27.A good teacher gives many small assignments, instead of a few big tests.
_____28.A good teacher treats students' grades as confidential.
_____29.A good teacher treats all students the same.
_____30.A good teacher will scold students if needed.
_____31.A good teacher communicates to students the grading system for a course.
_____32.A good teacher will discuss delaying a test with a student if the student is having a family emergency.
_____33.A good teacher tells students in class how they ranked in a test compared to the other students.
_____34.A good teacher has students learn by having them memorize what the teacher says.
_____35.A good teacher test students only on the concepts and material learned in the course.
_____36.A good teacher expects students to do their own work without help from others or by copying from other materials.
_____37.A good teacher gives students a syllabus with details on assignment due dates and policies for late work.
Please answer these remaining questions:
38.What is your nationality? _________________________
39.What is your gender?   female  male
40.What is your age? ____________________
41.How long have been in the United States? _____________________
42.Have you been a teacher in the U.S.? yes  no
 If "yes," for how long? ____________
43.Have you been a student in the U.S.? yes  no
 If "yes," for how long? ____________
44.Have you been a teacher in your home country? yes  no
 If "yes," for how long? __________
 What was your typical class size? __________
45.What is your academic major? ___________
Many thanks to you!