ALICE: Worksheet #1

ALICE: Worksheet #2

  • Locate the following JFK assassination books and documents on ALICE. Write down the call numbers for the following and tell where the item is located (list all locations):
    TitleAuthorLocations Call No.
    Assignment OswaldJames P. Hosty  
    A citizen's dissent;Mark Lane  
    Mark Lane replies
    The Kennedy contract: John H. Davis  
    The Mafia plot to
    assassinate the president
    Oswald's gameJean Davison  
    President John F. Kennedy
    Assassination Records
    Collection Extension
    Act of 1994
    United States  
  • On ALICE do a search. Identify five books, journals, or documents related to your topic and list the following for each item: Title, author (if a book or document), location, call number, and (importantly) all of the official subject headings for each one. (Follow these instructions carefully since the next worksheet will be based partly on these results.)
    1. What are the two principal call numbers for all the books listed above (Just the first one or two lines)? ___ ___
    2. What is the date of the most recent issue of the Manchester Guardian Weekly (newspaper)?
      1. At the Athens main campus? ___________
      2. At the Eastern campus of Ohio Univ.? ________\
      3. Where would you find copies of this newspaper from 1928? ___
      4. Where are current issues of this newspaper kept? _____
      5. Then what happens to them? ____________
      6. What volume of this newspaper was published in 1933? ___
    3. Who wrote the book Why England Slept? ___________ On the shelf in Alden Library, what is the name of the book just to the left of Why England Slept? _______________ How do you know? __________________

        ALICE: Worksheet 3

        Go to Alden Library and do the following: 1. After using information from ALICE, physically locate and check out the two items chosen by your instructor from your list of five items in question 2 of ALICE worksheet 2. 2. In addition, find and check out the Kennedy assassination item listed below: (Instructor provides different specific book title for each student.) 3. Make a list of references for the three items mentioned above. 4. Bring these three items with you to the fourth floor of Alden lobby on Monday, where we will meet for the next assignment. ALICE: Worksheet 4 Answer questions 1 and 2 before returning your books. Then return your books and answer the rest of the questions. 1. Find an ALICE terminal somewhere in the library. go to the ALICE main menu (web). On the main menu, click on ³View your circulation record.² Follow the instructions carefully to view a list of the books you have out. 2. Using the OhioLINK Central Catalog on ALICE, find out which other member libraries of OhioLINK have the two books from your list which you borrowed and are returning this morning. On OhioLink you can use a title or author search. List the other libraries that have the same books: Book 1: Title Author Call no. Total no. of OhioLink members holding this book? ____ Which members (list them)? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ Book 2: Title Author Call no. Total no. of OhioLink members holding this book? ____ Which members (list them)? _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ 3. Read through the section on ³Search Tips and Information about this Catalog² on the OhioLink Central Catalog² main menu page. Answer these questions: a. Who may use OhioLink? _______________________ Under which heading did you find the answer to this question? ___ b. Which seven types of materials may not be included on OhioLink? 1) __________ 2) __________ 3) __________ 4) __________ 5) __________ 6) __________ 7) __________ Under which heading did you find the answer to this question? c. What is CRL? _________________ d. May you borrow any book included on the OhioLINK CentralCatalog? __ Explain:_____________________ e. May you borrow journal articles through OhioLINK? ____ Explain: __________________ 4. Find one more book from your list of five books (one different from the two you have already found) and borrow it. 5. Explore your major on OhioLINK. See whether you find anything interesting. Please do not order anything from OhioLINK now. 6. For homework: a) Finish reading the handouts on ALICE in preparation for a short quiz later this week (probably Thursday). b) Write a 15-minute journal entry on your reactions to using OhioLINK.